So, this week, had a scare. It started out as a typical Friday, and I am home with the boys. Suddenly Trent started to vomit his feeds back up. At first, it was his breakfast milk that my mother in law fed him while I took Trevor to day care. Then when I fed him his breakfast rice cereal, that came back up about 30 minutes later. All of it. It erupted like a volcano; but it came up as if it was still quite fresh from just eating it. I tried one more time with just a small feed of milk and that came up. His poop was also very runny, like diarrhea instead of the pasty texture. So I started to worry, and calls Trent Pediatrician. I was by myself today, my parents just stepped out and so, I was left with the option of taking both boys with me by myself to see the doc. On the positive side, Trent did not have a fever, he was not overly fussy nor did he lose his appetite. Actually he was hungry and wanted his feed but not know what's causing the vomiting, I limited his feed.
So at the doctor's office, he checked Trent out, he said, he's responsive, he's not fussy, and listened to his internals and perform some checks on his abdomen area said he didn't feel any obstruction (or obvious blockages). And so this leads to either a typical stomach bug or something worse. For the time being, it will be a wait and see. We'll give him pedialyte and see how he responds to that and slowly re-introduce his feeds starting with breast milk. If his symptoms gets worse, the doc said we'll have to admit him in for IV's and hydration.
So, that first night was extra tough, Trent was extremely fussy, not because of the vomiting, but because he was hungry. He see's the bottle reaches for it. He instantly calms down when we stick the bottle in his mouth. But each feed, we would only give him 1oz (30ml) to feed as we learned, that is the amount he can hold down. Earlier trial and error feeds resulted in him vomiting his milk back up (60ml's). He wake at 1am, then at 3am, and 5 am. Finally in the morning, around 6:30 we gave him a bigger 2oz feed and he was happy and felt the full-ness satisfaction and finally took a nice nap; he did have a small vomit, although it was less traumatic and was more like a big spit-up instead. The rest of the mornings, we give him his feeds at 1.5 hour intervals to keep him satisfied. We also put in a rice cereal feed to see how he responded to that and how his poop is as his doctor was going to call in and check on his progress. Fortunately, he poop was not as runny but milky and he was holding down his feeds. We would hold him for about 30-40 minutes at a time to ensure he's upright and not agitated that would cause him to vomit. Boy we were tired.
His doc calls and was pleased to hear how he's doing and advised us to continue our current path; smaller feeds at quicker duration. As the day goes by, Trent seems to be getting better. We gave him some baby puree feeds (peas and spinach)l nice and green. He ate it with great pleasure and held it down. A few hours later, his poop came out nice and "mushy", we were super happy. Its a sign that he's getting better and that it may have been a stomach bug.
Here is the TWIST just as Trent was ramping his feed up, Troy all of a sudden threw up his entire lunch feed. Then it struck us, putting one and two together; we have recently switch Trent from breast milk into formula in hopes of getting him more calories. And the breast milk was then given to his twin brother Troy. Since Daisy cannot cold turkey stop pumping milk, it was to be a gradual slow down. Well, with the vomiting, we decided to switch it back, and give Trent the Breast milk and give Troy the formula, or give Troy the remaining unfinished formula from the bottle that Trent has not yet finished. We were using ready feed. And barely a day of Troy taking Trent's formula, he too vomited and this triggered a theory. That it must be a bad bottle of milk.
Although not fully confirmed, we felt confident it was the milk.
Trent is now better, he is able to take his feeds and no more vomiting. His solid feeds hasn't been back to his norm yet, but we're confident it'll get back to where he left off.
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