Friday, June 8, 2018

first 10 months; part 2 - OEIS

Delayed posting (from 2013)

Home Coming

April 2012 (Troy comes home)

When we brought Troy home, we had a present that we gave to Trevor that is from Troy; it was a Car's 2 jumbo jet "Everett".  This made Trevor feel special and welcoming of his new brother.

Trevor was curious and at first wondered who is this little guy and was a little protective of his territory, but eventually slowly warmed up to him.  I said to myself and also to Daisy, wait a few more weeks, and he's gonna see another baby come home.  

When Troy came home, he was fairly trained in terms of from a routine standpoint.  Having been in the NICU has its advantages, one being that he's already on a schedule.  Unlike bringing home a newborn just a few days old, where you're still trying to figure things our or get into a routine (as we recall with Trevor), Troy was on a 3 hour schedule.  eat sleep eat sleep every three hours.  Troy helped us get into a routine and prepare ourselves for the eventual home coming of Trent. 

May 2012 (Trent comes home on Mother's day 5/13)

So, the first few days (and weeks) with Trent home, it definitely took some adjusting. 
Trent had about 3 medications to take (Antibiotics, Iron, Sodium Bi-carbonate); which isn't so bad along with a bunch of ostomy supplies.  Prior to coming home, we got our refresher training on ostomy changing although I've been attempting to practice changing his bag as much as we can when he was in the NICU.  Looking back, he only needed to change his bag maybe once ever 2 to 3 days, now it's a daily change.  Trent also was in this ace bandage mermaid wrap; and would stay in it for the next 6 weeks (as I recall).  The wrap was to keep his hip align and also to prevent him from stressing out his abdomen.  It was definitely some work at each diaper change.  He was wearing XS preemie diapers; it looked like those ultra thin tiny maxi pads and it certainly can hold a lot of pee.  The XS preemie diapers was used so that it doesn't splay his legs too wide versus using the regular NB diapers.  Also, we would give him some PT (physical training) exercises doing bicycles on his legs to help stretch and flex his knees so it won't get stiff and allow some blood circulation at each change.  So a diaper change would take us roughly 15 minutes each time and we change him at least ever feed.  

That first couple of days was definitely challenging.  First the sleep deprivation x's 2.  I recall when Trevor came home, we could take turns waking up and tend to him.  But with two babies, they would either wake up simultaneously or wake up back to back and we'd be zombies.  We were literally just getting no more then an hour or two of sleep each night.  There'd be times where both of us would be up rocking both boys at the same time.  

First pediatrician visit (5/16)

Key Dates:
5/21 - First follow-up visit with surgeons after going home
5/23 - 2nd follow-up visit

June 2012

6/7 - Trent blood test (to check for anemic)
6/8 - Boy's 2 month check-up
6/17 - Father's day
6/22 - Blood draw (Had to draw blood several times, due to inconsistent results)
6/25 - Urologist visit

July 2012

7/6 - Boy's 3 month check-up with pediatrician; noticed hernia
7/11 - Renal & Hip Ultrasounds
7/23 - Ultra sound reviews; Surgeon's please with the Renal Ultrasound, Hip ultrasounds confirms Trent has a mild case of Hip Dysplatia on his right hip.  Left Hip is ok
7/20 - Blood test for GI; reduced XX medication

Was supposed to have Spinal Cord MRI this month, but was canceled due to flooding

August 2012

8/3 - Boy's 4 month check-up
8/7 - 8/8 - Spinal Cord MRI @ Lucile Packard; overnight stay
8/13 - Initial MRI evaluation with Surgeon; referred to Neurosurgeon
8/27 - Hip X-Ray; Orthopedic Surgeon evaulation of hip and foot
GI Dr Visit; most recent blood test confirmed Trent's sodium content is stable and he is allowed to stopped taking the Sodium Bi medication

September 2012

Visit with the Neurosurgeon @ Lucile Packard Children Hospital to review Trent's Spinal Cord MRI; Confirms tethered cord, but appears to be mild with fatty tissue; result in scheduling Spinal Cord surgery and postponement of hernia surgery

Went out on a rare outing to a friend's baby shower and took the boy's outdoors

October 2012

10/12 - Boy's 6 month check-up; recieves all immunization and flu shot
10/19 - Spinal Cord surgery @ Lucile Packard Children Hospital

Also watching the SF Giants in the play-offs against the St. Louis Cardinals Game 6 and a dramatic win; we eventually went on to winning the 2nd world series

November 2012

Uncle Kirby (my brother) comes visits and meets the twins

December 2012

No activity

January 2013

Cousin Lorelai baby sits

February 2013

Child development assesment

July 2013

Trent and Troy both starts learning to walk...